Digitize your frontline operations instantly

Improve worker productivity, reduce scrap rates, and improve machine availability by replacing paper processes. Upgrade your existing systems, one process at a time, and deliver business impact in a matter of weeks.

How it works

Discover the product in just 5 minutes

See how you can instantly digitise your manufacturing operations: Access documents and forms, automate tasks, and optimise with AI.

You’re in good company!

Digitize your operations,
one process at a time.

Empower your workforce by giving them access to digital documents right where they are needed and collect data using forms & checklists. Take Connected Worker to the next level by building a single application layer on top of your existing systems.


Connect existing machines and systems without any migration


Provide access to the information, documents & checklists your team needs


Make sure the right people do the right job at the right time


Make your existing systems accessible through one intuitive interface

It’s time to take Connected Worker to the next level.

Digitize your operations, process by process. Go beyond forms and checklists and map your production processes as fully flexible, digital workflows.

Connect your machines

Alert workers based on machine failure conditions and improve your OEE

Guide your workers

Reduce onboarding times and improve work results with digital workflows, automatically created from your existing documents

Gradually improve

Build on top of your existing systems and gradually improve at your own pace

Automate workflows

Set up business rules to initiate processes based on actual conditions. Why service a machine if it wasn’t running?

Discover our connected worker solutions

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