How We Work

We help our customers to develop and scale connected worker use cases to achieve their strategic goals as well as maximize their business value and ROI

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less project time required compared to internal development
less technical staff required to develop new use cases
>650 million
workflows orchestrated

Our Proven Value-Based Approach

Quick time-to-value

Develop, integrate and deploy use cases in days instead of months improves time-to-value and ROI

Measurable business impact

Use cases are directly tied to your strategic priorities with measurable business impact


Implement use cases that align with end-users’ needs results in higher satisfaction and increased adoption rates

Adaptable & Scalable

Easily make changes and scale use cases as business needs evolve lead to higher adoption rates and business impact

Making Your Journey, Our Journey

Get Started
  • Align on strategic priorities
  • Identify and prioritize high-value use cases
  • Agree on timeline, stakeholder and success criteria
How We Maximize Business Value
  • Solution Modules & Use Cases
  • Understand user requirements and identify necessary IT integrations
  • Collect feedback from key users
  • Create roadmap and rollout plan
  • Develop business case
How We Maximize Business Value
  • Value Framework
  • Value Calculator
Build & Iterate
  • Implement, integrate and deploy use case
  • Test and refine use case based on user feedback
  • Demo use case to key stakeholders
How We Maximize Business Value
  • Workerbase Academy
Scale & Improve
  • Define operating model
  • Rollout use cases across the production footprint
  • Track and measure business value realization
  • Drive continuous improvements through real-time data
  • Perform user trainings and change management
How We Maximize Business Value
  • Operating Model & Governance
  • Change Management

How We Maximize Business Value

  • Solution Modules & Use Cases
  • Value Framework
  • Value Calculator
  • Workerbase Academy
  • Operating Model & Governance
  • Change Management

Get in touch with us

Ready to dive into Workerbase’s Connected Worker platform? Receive a personalized demo tailored to your challenges. Schedule a call now!

  • Connect workers with industrial grade smart devices
  • Integrate your ERP and MES systems for a holistic view
  • Track progress and visualize work as it happens