Workerbase GmbH
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Worker-X: The Connected worker platform for Catena-X

Worker-X – Key enabler for Catena-X

Digital workflows that enable factory workers to collect and receive real-time data is crucial for Catena-X. A holistic data collection and utilization approach which covers all human-driven workflows is needed:
– acquiring data from human-driven work
– sharing data in a consistent and secure manner
– approval workflows to include all relevant stakeholders

The Workerbase Connected Worker Platform provides a complete digital workflow execution platform that seamlessly integrates with Catena-X.

Digital workflows that enable factory workers to collect and receive real-time data is crucial for Catena-X.

Data Accessibility and accuracy
Factory workers use digital workflows to instantly collect and access data relevant to their tasks. This real-time data improves efficiency and reduces delays in decision-making processes. All suppliers, manufacturers, and customers get up-to-date data about production processes and involved components.

Productivitiy increase
The data collected by factory workers can be used to identify bottlenecks and optimize production workflows. Insights gained from worker-collected data can help in identifying areas for improvement, reducing waste, and enhancing overall productivity.

Continuous improvements
Enabling factory workers to contribute to the shared Catena-X dataspace fosters collaboration along the value chain. Workers provide valuable insights and feedback based on their hands-on experience, contributing to continuous process improvement and innovation.

Traceability and compliance
Sharing data on material origins, manufacturing processes and transportation details enables traceability across the value chain. Full data transparency supports compliance with regulatory requirements, and enables proactive measures such as recalls or quality audits when necessary.

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